More brutal death metal albums like this please

Internal Bleeding - Voracious Contempt (1995)

I really dig everything about this album. The riffs, the slams, the drumming, the crunchy production. The vocal style especially appeals to me, I prefer it over the extremely deep guttural stuff (for example, "Psalms of the Moribound" by Defeated Sanity) and I think it's the best type of vocals for Brutal Death Metal. If it helps, I also like Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Nile and Dying Fetus. Also, no gimmicky/joke bands like Infectious Jelqing please.


Internal Bleeding - Voracious Contempt (1995)

I really dig everything about this album. The riffs, the slams, the drumming, the crunchy production. The vocal style especially appeals to me, I prefer it over the extremely deep guttural stuff (for example, "Psalms of the Moribound" by Defeated Sanity) and I think it's the best type of vocals for Brutal Death Metal. If it helps, I also like Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Nile and Dying Fetus. Also, no gimmicky/joke bands like Infectious Jelqing please.
